Adding Channels

You can add channels to manage specific customers and services. Once added, you can either create new customers and services or attach a customer to a channel, in which case, all of the services and SIP Connections created under the customer are attached to the channel.

To add a customer channel:
1. In the Menu bar, choose Topology and then select Channels.

2. Click Add to add a customer channel.

3. Configure the General details as described in the table below:

Tenant Details - General



Tenant Name

The name of the channel partner.


Brief description of the channel partner.

Azure Tenant ID

The registered Azure tenant ID for the channel partner.

Channel logo

The logo of the channel partner.

Source Email

The email of the Channel Admin.

Azure AD Group: Object ID

Channel operators can be assigned to a specific Azure AD Group whose members they are designated to manage. For example, in the Finance Group (see below), the operator "aiLogAdmin" manages only employees in the Finance department. Therefore, when logged in to Live Platform portal, this operator can only view and manage the Finance group employees. The same logic applies for other manages groups for the same tenant. This enables affiliated subsidiary corporations to be managed at the AD Group level under the umbrella of their Parent corporate group managed at the Tenant ID level.

Number of Customers

The number of customers that can be configured under the channel.

4. Click the Services tab. The list of available services is displayed.

5. Select the Check box adjacent to the services that you wish to enable for the channel.

You cannot disable support of the Hybrid entities service if there are existing customers attached to a Hybrid service.

6. Click the down arrow to configure the Live Setup ID metering tag, see Metering Reports.
7. Click the Contact Info tab.

8. Optionally enter the following Contact Details that can be used by AudioCodes for monitoring and alarms for customers who are managed directly by AudioCodes Professional Services:
Email Address
Phone Number
Secondary Email Address
Secondary Phone Number
9. Click the Services tab.

10. Select the check box adjacent to the services that you wish to manage.

You cannot disable support of the Hybrid entities service if there are existing customers attached to a Hybrid service.

11. Enter the Live Setup ID used by the Metering Service for each service if required, see Metering Reports and Configuring Live Platform).
12. Click the App Registration tab.

13. Enter the White Label FQDN. Channels can request a CCM for white labeling including a Vanity URL and Login Page with Corporate logo.
14. Enter the White Label Display Name: This name is displayed in the login screen Welcome message. For example "Welcome to LIVE PLATFORM-SP2" where the custom string is " LIVE PLATFORM-SP2". If this field is not defined, then the Service Provider tenant name as defined in the General tab (see above) is displayed in the login screen.

15. Select the Enable Custom App Registration check box. This feature configures a Landing page for onboarding new customers to join to a specific channel partner. Select either MS Entra Public or MS Entra Government check boxes and then configure the following parameters for configuring a Landing page for new customers to join the Channel:
Security Azure Hostname:
Azure AD Path Type File:

-Tenant: Local License

-Organizations: Live Platform can access Azure AD in the enterprise network if a standard service is purchased.

Azure Tenant ID: Tenant ID of the White label reseller
Azure Client ID: Application (Client) ID of the White label reseller
Azure Client Secret; Client secret of the App registration of the White label reseller

MS Entra Government includes unique parameters for United States government deployments.

16. Click OK to add the channel.